Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
It is hard to compare my day in Sydney with today in Melbourne. Sydney was a day with a friend showing me his city. Today was five hours on a HOHO bus listening to canned descriptions of the city. Don't get me wrong, I like to use HOHO busses to get an overview of a city, but it is just not the same.
Also interesting about the HOHO bus today was its structure. Like many cities serviced by City Tours, the Melbourne HOHO bus has two routes that connect at Federation Square. When I paid for the ticket I was shown where to pick up the bus, which was on the black route. As it went around the city it did a good job of showing off Melbourne. When we got to Federation Square we were advised to stay on the bus, as it was going to do the red route next. Most everyone stayed on and we proceeded to see the rest of Melbourne. When we got back to Federation Square most got off, but I heard someone say that our bus was switching back to the black route so I asked the driver and it was. The only glitch was a wait of about 45 minutes for another bus to arrive so all ship passengers were on the same bus.
As with Sydney, the city was very pretty with lots of parks and green space. The beaches were very nice, partially because we had a good day to view them. The architecture was nice to view, and the people friendly.